Comparison between BJT, FET and MOSFET

Comparison between BJT, FET and MOSFET

Now that we have discussed all the above three, let us try to compare some of their properties.

Device typeCurrent controlledVoltage controlledVoltage Controlled
Current flowBipolarUnipolarUnipolar
TerminalsNot interchangeableInterchangeableInterchangeable
Operational modesNo modesDepletion mode onlyBoth Enhancement and Depletion modes
Input impedanceLowHighVery high
Output resistanceModerateModerateLow
Operational speedLowModerateHigh
Thermal stabilityLowBetterHigh

So far, we have discussed various electronic components and their types along with their construction and working. All of these components have various uses in the electronics field. To have a practical knowledge on how these components are used in practical circuits, please refer to the ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS tutorial.


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