Sampling theorem

Discrete, noisy communication and the problem of error

It is assumed unrealistically that all messages are transmitted without error. In the real world, however, transmission errors are unavoidable—especially given the presence in any communication channel of noise, which is the sum total of random signals that interfere with the communication signal. In order to take the inevitable transmission errors of the real world into account, some adjustment in encoding schemes is necessary. The figure shows a simple model of transmission in the presence of noise, the binary symmetric channel. Binary indicates that this channel transmits only two distinct characters, generally interpreted as 0 and 1, while symmetric indicates that errors are equally probable regardless of which character is transmitted. The probability that a character is transmitted without error is labeled p; hence, the probability of error is 1 − p.

The binary symmetric channelThis type of channel transmits only two distinct characters, generally interpreted as 0 and 1, hence the designation binary. The probability of correctly receiving either character is the same, namely, p, which accounts for the designation symmetric.

Consider what happens as zeros and ones, hereafter referred to as bits, emerge from the receiving end of the channel. Ideally, there would be a means of determining which bits were received correctly. In that case, it is possible to imagine two printouts:10110101010010011001010011101101000010100101—Signal00000000000100000000100000000010000000011001—ErrorsSignal is the message as received, while each 1 in Errors indicates a mistake in the corresponding Signal bit. (Errors itself is assumed to be error-free.)

Shannon showed that the best method for transmitting error corrections requires an average length ofE = p log2(1/p) + (1 − p) log2(1/(1 − p))bits per error correction symbol. Thus, for every bit transmitted at least E bits have to be reserved for error corrections. A reasonable measure for the effectiveness of a binary symmetric channel at conveying information can be established by taking its raw throughput of bits and subtracting the number of bits necessary to transmit error corrections. The limit on the efficiency of a binary symmetric channel with noise can now be given as a percentage by the formula 100 × (1 − E). Some examples follow.

Suppose that p = 1/2, meaning that each bit is received correctly only half the time. In this case E = 1, so the effectiveness of the channel is 0 percent. In other words, no information is being transmitted. In effect, the error rate is so high that there is no way to tell whether any symbol is correct—one could just as well flip a coin for each bit at the receiving end. On the other hand, if the probability of correctly receiving a character is .99, E is roughly .081, so the effectiveness of the channel is roughly 92 percent. That is, a 1 percent error rate results in the net loss of about 8 percent of the channel’s transmission capacity.

One interesting aspect of Shannon’s proof of a limit for minimum average error correction length is that it is nonconstructive; that is, Shannon proved that a shortest correction code must always exist, but his proof does not indicate how to construct such a code for each particular case. While Shannon’s limit can always be approached to any desired degree, it is no trivial problem to find effective codes that are also easy and quick to decode.

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